Project Leadership:
The game changer in large scale complex projects
It is understood that complex projects need leaders with different skills. The 2018 ICCPM International Roundtable Series brought together senior practitioners and leading academics to explore Project Leadership: The game changer in large scale complex projects.
ICCPM jointly with its series partner, the John Grill Centre for Project Leadership, and event sponsors held various Roundtable discussions on the theme around Australia and Internationally. The workshop events brought together many senior project leaders to address challenges and opportunities surrounding leadership for Government, Industry and SME’s, across different sectors to help enable greater project success.
The discussions at the events have formed the foundations of Project Leadership which aims to bring together valuable insights related to the issues surrounding leadership in large scale complex projects.

The ICCPM International Roundtable Report, Project Leadership: The game changer in large scale complex projects was launched in Canberra on the 13th June. Senior defence and industry representatives braved the early morning Canberra weather to attend the briefing and gain insights into how they can improve the performance of large scale complex projects.
Mr Shane Fairweather, First Assistant Secretary Helicopter Systems / Acting First Assistant Secretary Procurement and Contracting, CASG, shared his experience of leading complex projects in industry and defence. He stressed the need for effective communication and the ability of a leader to shift between structured processes and creativity to realise opportunities. His experience is reflected in the findings of the report.
Our Series Partner Event in Sydney was held on the 18th June. The keynote speaker for the event was Mr Sam Sangster, CEO for Western City & Aerotropolis Authority. Sam shared his experience of delivering large infrastructure projects and stressed the importance of building strong relationships with the community. He identified this as the difference between delivering an asset and delivering a successful project.
Our thanks go to our series partner, The John Grill Centre for Project Leadership at the University of Sydney, our Series Sponsor, CASG, and all our event sponsors.
ICCPM was established to build organisational capability in the delivery of complex projects. We look forward to working with our Corporate Partners and Members to implement the insights from the report.
ICCPM has already updated the Complex Project Leadership workshop included in our Certificate IV in Responding to Project Complexity (10916NAT | RTO #41394) » and our Leadership and Team Development short course » to reflect the insights of the report, and started building Communities of Practice within our Corporate Partners, to deliver sustainable impact.
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