The ICCPM Fellows Program


The ICCPM Fellows Program recognises distinguished project leaders with demonstrated success in the delivery of complex projects and a commitment to the growth of a strong community of practice. The Program was introduced in 2012 to promote excellence and connect a community of thought leaders.

Benefits of ICCPM Fellowship

  • Be recognised as a global leader in complex project delivery
  • Join a network of distinguished Fellows and influence the future of complex project leadership
  • Use the post-nominal ‘FICCPM”
  • Invitation to participate in Fellow’s events and teleconferences

Nomination process

  • Only complete nomination packs will be considered
  • Nominees must be an active ICCPM member for a minimum of 12 months to be considered
  • Members can nominate themselves for Fellowship
  • A nomination pack must include all of the following:
    • A covering letter outlining why the nominee should be considered for ICCPM Fellowship
    • A completed application form
    • A current bio and photo
    • A comprehensive CV
    • 3 reference letters outlining the outstanding contribution the nominee has made to the discipline of complex project leadership
    • Payment of AU$148.50 (inc. GST) administration fee
  • Nominations will be evaluated by the ICCPM Board against the following criteria
    • The significance of their personal contribution to the success of complex project delivery
    • The significance of their contribution to the discipline of complex project leadership
    • Their exceptional and conspicuous service to the complex project management community. This will include the duration of ICCPM membership and their active contribution to ICCPM
  • All nominees will be notified of the outcome via email

Successful Nominees

  • Enter into a written agreement with ICCPM to abide by the ICCPM Constitution and the Fellows Code of Conduct
  • Receive a certificate of Fellowship
  • Are entitled to use the post-nominal ‘FICCPM’
  • Are listed on the ICCPM Register of Fellows, which is published on the ICCPM website
  • The names of successful nominees shall be published in ICCPM’s quarterly CONNECT e-magazine and promoted via social media

Agree to support the promotion of complex project management and contribute to thought leadership in complex project management through active contribution to the activities of ICCPM.

Obligations of ICCPM Fellows

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact ICCPM at

“Twenty years in the Australian Defence Force established a deep understanding of and experience in the planning and execution of complex missions or projects. This foundation of theoretical and practical experience taught me that achieving success relied on many variable inputs and key stakeholders, all of whom had their own agendas and goals. During the planning phase it was crucial to understand the inputs but more importantly how they would be synchronised to achieve the desired outcome. One of the highlights of my Defence career was my appointment as Chief of Staff International Force East Timor prior to the handover to the UN.  This complex project/operation involved 11,000 people from 22 nations, each with their own national interests to protect.
My Defence experience established a foundation that I was able to refine and mature on entering the private sector.  A more recent complex management highlight, in my current role as CEO of Aspen Medical, was the deployment to Liberia and Sierra Leone as part of the Australian, UK and US Government’s efforts to stop the spread of Ebola disease in 2014 and 2015.  Key stakeholder engagement, communication and synchronisation of the inputs were central to our success in delivering successful outcomes to these projects.”
Bruce Armstrong, ICCPM Fellow, 2016

“I joined the ICCPM movement when it was a fledgling “thought leadership” idea. I was part of a living laboratory on complexity management called the F-35 program and it was apparent that traditional program management tools and techniques were inadequate to ensure success within acceptable parameters of cost and schedule. I believe firmly that you have to be immersed in the day to day challenges of complexity management to fully appreciate that it is a new frontier for knowledge mining and application of real world experiences and not an academic experiment. The world of highly technical project management is no longer an outcome focused application of science and resources. Today, it is more often influenced by political and social factors which are very difficult to “manage and control” but which have disproportionate effects on the desired end product. I hope my experiences can contribute to the body of knowledge that can help ensure future successes in the world of global complex projects.”

Tom Burbage, ICCPM Founding Fellow

“I consider ICCPM Fellowship as a highly valued marker of professional achievement. Throughout my lengthy and rewarding career in technological enterprises, I have always been fascinated by truly complex projects. For me, it was never enough to simply achieve project closure and move on; I wanted to understand complex project behaviour, learn more about the underlying drivers for success, and ultimately communicate crucial lessons so that (ideally) mistakes might not get repeated. In short, I’ve always wanted to help practitioners do better. Within the ICCPM community I found not only like-minded professionals, but also an active avenue of continuing education and an effective channel for my research into CPM in the form of presentations, articles, and a popular and practical eBook. As a Fellow, I very much look forward to sharing ideas and solutions for those challenging, seemingly unpredictable, and often maddening, high-technology mega-science projects.”

Phil Crosby, ICCPM Fellow, Australia, 2016

“National and international trends are for increasingly complex project undertakings in an era of fiscal constraint with an overarching mantra of “do more for less”. I am delighted to have this opportunity to participate with peers as a member of the ICCPM Fellowship Program where the collaborative efforts engendered by the ICCPM community enable championship of effective approaches to management of today’s complex projects; in my view a combination of stewardship, team-work, technical leadership and structured application of PM tools and resources.”

Rod Equid, ICCPM Fellow, Australia, 2016
“I am honoured to be an ICCPM Fellow. While I consider myself experienced in the higher echelons of the workings of government I am still very much learning the ‘art’ of business. To be recognised as a Fellow by my peers is very humbling to me; I look forward to contributing to the advancement of ICCPM to the best of my ability.
To me the sharing of knowledge has always been paramount. This was demonstrated most ably to me on many a warship bridge as Commanding Officers shared their sea experience with me and imparted knowledge. That I was able to do something similar when I myself was a Commanding Officer was simultaneously empowering and an awesome responsibility.
I would like to think that as a Fellow I can again share knowledge and experience to those eager and keen to learn. Knowledge not of the sea but of leading in complex environments, leading in ambiguity, appreciating the finer points of policy and strategy, and navigating the nuances of Government and government departments.  All in their own way shoals and hazards that can undo the most competent of mariners.”
Raydon Gates AO, CSM, ICCPM Fellow, Australia, 2015
“I was lucky enough to be involved in the very early days of the Australian DMO initiative to create a cadre of Project Managers capable of dealing with the non-linearity, emergence, and near-chaos which characterises complexity in projects. At the time I had not long finished a period of 7 years working full time in and around the Joint Strike Fighter Programme, and had seen that project grow from the early days of Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (A/STOVL) through the creation of the Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) programme, and finally the Joint Strike Fighter (now F-35 Lightning) programme. When Kim Gillis and David Dombkins came to the UK Ministry of Defence to share the thinking behind the DMO initiative, it really struck a chord with me as I reflected on the extraordinary thinking which had steered the birth of F-35 by a number of extraordinary people.  Those people were all characterised by great wisdom honed over years on difficult programmes combined with the ability to think through and execute non-linear strategies.  I found the prospect of analysing what lay behind the ability to deliver projects in this space to be a fascinating proposition, and really enjoyed the intellectual challenge of supporting the early underpinning exploration and work to create the ICCPM Competency Standards.
The ICCPM has been pivotal to changing conversations in the project management space to recognise that when a project is complex it is subject to non-linearity and emergence which traditional project management techniques don’t address. We have moved the discussion through a phase of denial into a very productive recognition that traditional techniques are absolutely essential, but not sufficient in delivering complex outcomes. Project Management as a profession has embraced complexity, albeit relatively few organisations have yet produced education products to help Project Management professionals grow their capabilities in this area, whilst academia is heavy on theoretical study of complexity, but as yet relatively light on practitioner input. ICCPM’s development of accredited training in this area builds on our thought leadership work to date, so that we can now provide practically-based, readily available education to help delivery organisations prepare their teams for working with complex challenges.
I feel very privileged to have been part of the ICCPM’s journey so far, and hope to continue to contribute whilst still building my practical experience by delivering real-world complex projects in the Aerospace sector.”
Simon Henley, MBE, Founding Fellow, UK
“Having been involved in Defence and Civil projects over 35 years both as an engineer and project/business manager, I’ve seen the significant effects of complexity impacting the efficiency of the path to achieving the outcomes desired by stakeholders.
As an engineer I often saw the non-technical aspects of complex projects being key drivers more than the technical. Having worked in a variety of project stakeholder environments and seeing the contrasts of cooperative, constructive environments compared with traditional less interactive environments, to understand these are not unique experiences and to share in the knowledge base that ICCPM brings together has been tremendously worthwhile. The wide variety of project experiences embodied in the work of ICCPM and the advantage this knowledge brings to the management of complex projects is a capability which all organisations should recognise.”
Chris Jenkins, ICCPM Fellow, Australia, 2015

“Just over a decade ago, I attended the very first gathering of what evolved into ICCPM. Then and since, ICCPM has enabled me as a Fellow to develop a network with exceptionally reflective and experienced professionals operating in and contributing to the “Book of Complexity” – and to follow their published works. These played a pivotal role in helping me progress a half-dozen billion-dollar-plus projects over a decade at the portfolio and national endeavour levels. No other international body has dedicated itself to success in the complex domain so it is the place to go when steeped in near-chaos. And with so much left to do, it energizes me as a Fellow to both give back and to keep learning at the tender age of “old”. Thank you ICCPM!”

Ian Mack, Founding Fellow, Canada

“I am interested in complex program management because I am interested in people. Of course we need to have mastery of the many tools at our disposal in scheduling and planning and organisation and EVM and the like but that will only get you so far in being able to return to your shareholders or stakeholders real value from a complex project or program. The greater guarantor of success is the motivation and the actions of skilled and experienced people in an environment of candour and excellence created by a leadership whose focus is delivery and improvement in equal measure. So I am excited and proud of this Fellowship of an organisation that values and promotes the cause of real project management professionals and practitioners of that dark art.”

Jim McDowell, ICCPM Fellow, Australia, 2015

“I am proud to claim my entry into the ICCPM forum through my work as a Senior Organization Development consultant for 17 years supporting the startup of one of the most complex—and compelling—projects in the aerospace industry: the F-35 program at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company in Fort Worth, Texas.  It began my journey into researching and applying complexity concepts to leadership and international collaboration.  I have guest lectured at QUT’s Executive Master of Business in Complex Project Management (EMCPM) in Canberra, AU and been published in the Elsevier book on Complex Collaboration (2004). The case study, “Inventing the Joint Strike Fighter—Applying Appreciative Inquiry to Collaborative Startups” was published in the OD Practitioner Journal (2005) and as an E-Book (2013) by ICCPM.  I hope to contribute to the translation of complexity concepts to new tools and frameworks for the future.  I want to build a ‘bridge’ from academia to applied practice—for both experienced executives and emerging leaders.”

Jude Olson, ICCPM Fellow, USA, 2015

“As an ICCPM Fellow, it is a privilege to be afforded the opportunity to work collaboratively with an expert cadre of thought leaders and practitioners in furthering the discipline of complex project management world-wide. As a seasoned practitioner leading complex projects and programs across public, private and academic sectors, I have learnt that there are no silver bullets, standard processes or easy answers that lead to successful outcomes. Rather, it is in fostering the attitudes, interactions and inter-relations between people and organizations wherein the resilience and solutions lie. My focus has been on identifying and living in the ‘grey spaces’, bridging the gaps both formally and informally between the numerous and varied stakeholders who all must be effectively engaged in order to achieve positive enduring outcomes.”

Nandini Srikantiah, ICCPM Fellow, Canada, 2016
“How do you change the wheels on a moving vehicle?” It sounds like a major challenge, but consider this. Technology is changing so rapidly that whatever you can buy now is already obsolete; what we learn in University is probably already out-of-date; professions that exist today may be replaced within a few years; the general population is getting older and valuable skills are being lost in favour of automation; businesses have to strive for shorter time-to-market; technical requirements for new products can change in a heartbeat in order to compete with other competitors. Compared to this, changing the wheels on a moving vehicle seems simple!
We need to manage projects in this maelstrom of changing conditions to cater for evolving requirements and using technologies that may not even exist yet.  We will need to think in a different way; develop new project management tools and techniques, and develop more flexible ways to harness the creativity of a changing workforce.
Becoming a Fellow of ICCPM allows me to contribute my expertise and knowledge alongside those of other Fellows in order to tackle these complex issues. We will develop ideas and resources that project management professionals will use to successfully manage projects that will shape our future society.”
Dr Stephen Whittle, ICCPM Fellow, Australia, 2017

“Being an ICCPM Fellow is a great honor due to the community of colleagues with which you share a common set of experiences, knowledge and accomplishments. It represents a position of stature having lived the experiences of managing large, complicated, intricate programs encompassing political and global environments.  It allows for the dissemination of a lifetime of lessons learned, both failures and accomplishments, to help current and future program managers find the path to highly successful program execution and creating the world’s most successful customers.  Being associated with ICCPM and its Fellows means being a member of a fraternity that represents the most experienced and knowledgeable executives and program managers from around the world.”

Jeff Worley, ICCPM Founding Fellow, USA

“Our society requires success in large scale complex programmes to transform the lives of its citizens and to inspire future generations. Often the scale, duration, complexity and novelty of these programmes make it very challenging to estimate cost, time and performance at the outset. In fact the goals can move, human behaviours adapt, success criteria shift and the context change. Those charged with delivering success also have to deal with their own frailties such as optimism bias, human error, imperfect skill sets and personal motivations. Yet despite all the challenges, our society gets most things done. Leaders find ways of motivating people towards success, managers organise the workforce and skilled people achieve the impossible. However, these achievements can be wasteful, so the ICCPM was formed to study the nature of these projects with the aim of doing them better, cheaper, faster and more reliably. ICCPM Fellows take great pride in the fact their hard earned insights and shared experiences will help future programme managers to reach that ICCPM aim.”

Tony Graham, ICCPM Fellow, UK, 2015

“I am honoured to be an ICCPM Fellow. The work of ICCPM has been a key enabler to our journey to improve the project management skills of Canadian government project managers, primarily in the defence field, but increasingly with other federal agencies and Canadian industry. Although I have been directly involved in the business of delivering capability since the early 1980s, as I teach and participate in the academic work of the Telfer School of Management, I learn new concepts, ideas, and view points with every conversation.  It is such a truly complex and broad field of endeavour that there really is no point where anyone can say they are now an expert.  I value enormously the opportunities that being a Fellow with ICCPM brings, both as a contributor but as well the access to advice and support from our colleagues at ICCPM.”

Dan Ross, ICCPM Fellow, Canada, 2015