› Forums › Managing Risk in Complexity SIG
(MRC SIG) › Tony Graham – needs new Zoom Link
As I sent you the link in email, I will post here also for others in the MRC SIG group to see and take notice.
The link for the regular meetings every three weeks will change each meeting, so please be sure to check your emails when these details are sent to you the week before the meeting.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at marcomms@iccpm.com
Marketing Communications Coordinator, ICCPM<div class=”msg-s-message-list-container relative display-flex mbA
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<p class=”msg-s-event-listitem__body t-14 t-black–light t-normal
“>Dear All</p>
<p class=”msg-s-event-listitem__body t-14 t-black–light t-normal
“>I am unable to join the ICCPM SIG as Zoom is saying the conference number is incorrect 811 2336 7584 Can someone email me the new link thanks Tony</p></div>
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