Successful project outcomes depend on the right forms of contract and supportive contract management. Too often, those in Project 
Management and those in Contract / Commercial Management experience similar challenges yet do not combine their efforts or resources to drive improvement.

The purpose of the roundtable discussion is to bring the collective wisdom of the participants together, to focus on the topic, with the principal outcome being a clear definition of further action required.

The purpose of this discussion paper is to provide a perspective on Contracting for Success in Complex Projects and to identify key questions that will guide the roundtable discussion.

Research evidence points to the importance of the contract and underlying commercial judgment in the successful delivery of major projects. The evidence further points to a lack of attention and investment by many organisations in their embedded contract and commercial capabilities.

This initiative seeks to confirm the issues that currently prevent contract and project alignment, and to create specific and practical steps that will drive major improvement.

Read the 2016 Roundtable Discussion Paper.